


X-Ray Digitization

Key Benefits

  • Micro Com Systems scans X-Ray film into high-quality digital images in all popular formats such as JPG, TIF, and DICOM at a variety of resolutions, depending on your requirements.
  • X-Ray digitization frees up valuable storage space and allows staff the convenience of combining scanned X-Ray images with existing digital patient charts.
  • MCS uses Vidar Diagnostic Pro Advantage equipment. We can capture X-Rays to a maximum size of 14” X 35”.

X-ray Scanning Brings Convenience and Flexibility to Medical Offices in Vancouver


X-ray digitization is a procedure whereby an electronic image is created from traditional X-ray film using specialized equipment and skilled personnel.

Digitizing Medical Records with MCS

The benefits of X-ray scanning are many, and include the ability for sharing electronic data, remote diagnosis, harmonization of all patient records in digital form, recovery and repurposing of storage space, overall archive integrity and elimination of delivery costs.

We can scan X-rays from  63mm X 63mm to 355mm X 890mm in size, and we can output all leading industry formats like TIF, JPG and DICOM.

Reliable X-Ray Scanning Services in Vancouver, BC

Micro Com Systems Ltd. has been providing document imaging services for over 44 years, and scanning services for the last 27 years. We’re BC’s leading document imaging company.

Contact us for more information or to have your medical records needs assessed.

X-Ray Digitization