


Document Digitization: Experience + Innovation = Expertise

Clients who patronize a document digitization, image scanning, and data capture bureau like Micro Com Systems (MCS) expect the work to be on point. After all, many organizations could manage most of these jobs in-house, but sometimes scale or special requirements warrant a professional touch.

As a firm that specializes in document imaging, Micro Com has become very good at replicating images with impeccable quality. And many organizations are quite happy to pay for the work they would rather not do.

But while all of MCS’s clients have paper or microforms to scan, very few jobs can be processed in exactly the same fashion. For example, a recent client had a number of large format plans that were interfiled with regular letter and legal sized documents. And the customer required the final scanned images to mimic the original paper files exactly.

This meant the large format and letter/legal documents first needed to be separated and then scanned on different platforms. Then they needed to be earmarked with placeholder targets by hand so the pages could be correctly assembled post scanning.

Anticipating that this could be the first of many similar jobs, the team at Micro Com Systems put their heads together for a solution to streamline the process. Staying on top of emerging trends in hardware and software is incredibly important in the scanning industry. As a result, the team was able to leverage their knowledge and create an application using Microsoft Ink.

The application allowed them to generate placeholder targets using a special stylus and tablet. The data from these forms were stored in a database, which subsequently printed a new generation of targets that allow the separate work streams to be combined electronically.

Because of this, subsequent jobs with similar requirements can now be performed easily, without piling on considerable costs for time and labour.

While customers may not appreciate the subtleties of how individual jobs are processed, they always appreciate high-quality work that is delivered on time and on budget. In short,  as a  document digitization, image scanning, and data capture bureau, Micro Com knows how to innovate to meet the needs of different clients. It’s how they can ensure people get the documents they need, exactly the way they need them.