


How to professionally digitize sensitive documents for your business

Do you feel like Gollum from Lord of the Rings? Do you think of your business documents, records, and files as “precious?”

We get that! Your business documents often contain sensitive and proprietary information that you don’t want to fall into the hands of your competition. If you are a legal or medical firm, you’re dealing with very sensitive client and patient information that requires top-level confidentiality.

Just because your documents are sensitive and privileged doesn’t mean you shouldn’t create secure digital back-ups. Here’s what you need to know about having these documents professional scanned and digitized safely and securely:

On-site Document Scanning Services

If your documents are extremely sensitive, hire a professional scanning company who can come to your office to scan them on-site. Often all the scanning team needs is a secure room in your facility and the documents. They will bring all their own scanning equipment.

On-site scanning services are best for documents that legally can’t leave the premise, or for an extra layer of security for the extremely sensitive documents. It’s also great for physically fragile archival documents that are too dangerous to ship off-site for scanning.

Off-site Document Scanning Services

Reputable document scanning services will also have their own facilities for professional scanning of sensitive documents. These areas are often their own dedicated room and only staff who are assigned to that project can enter that room, with no exceptions.

You simply need to hand-deliver or get a secure shipping service to send your files to the document scanners facility. Look for a professional scanning company with a secure room like this already set-up. Some scanning companies will come to you with a fan and take your entire filing cabinet to make it even easier!

If you have any concerns around security or privacy for your to-be-scanned documents and records in your business let us know! It doesn’t matter if we set-up shop temporarily at your office or our secured office, we ensure the utmost care and security of your sensitive business records.

Vancouver Document Scanning Company – Micro Com Systems Ltd.

If you’d like to arrange for digital scanning of your client medical records, legal documentation, or any other documents of a sensitive nature, give us a call. We are ready to scan your documents today!